Im A Celebritys shiny new presenter Holly Willoughby hasnt exactly had an easy start to her latest job.
Earlier in the week, ITV was forced to deny reports that shes being replaced after she received a mixed reaction during her first Bushtucker trial.
And now the This Morning star has come under fire again as Anne Hegerty took on another challenge, but this time it was for her choice of outfit.
As usual, 37-year-old Holly was looking effortlessly stylish next to Declan Donnelly in a motif jumper with the words RE/Done on the front paired with some green trousers.
But every time the camera changed angles, the stars top seemed to mysteriously change to a plain black top with no logo at all.
Rather weirdly, the pink words would then reappear once the camera changed back to filming Holly and Dec from the side. Anybody else seriously confused?
Whats happened to @hollywills jumper here… any idea @imacelebrity
— Lisa Thomas (@lisaajaynee1) November 20, 2018
Taking to Twitter during the show, one fan asked, “#ImACeleb why is Holly wearing 2 different tops in the same trial?”
Another pondered, “Am I going mad or does @hollywills jumper have a logo on one angle and on the front view its disappeared #imsoconfused @imacelebrity.”
Offering an explanation, a third added, “Not two different tops. Image digitally blacked out in front view, probably cause it was a brand name…”
But they werent the only ones distracted…
Am I the only one that cant stop seeing @hollywillss missing slogan on her jumper? Theyve blanked it out for straight-on shots but not for side on
weird! #ImACeleb
— Georgia Farquharson (@georgiafarq) November 20, 2018
#ImACeleb Hollys top has a logo on on the cutaways but not face on…. must have re filmed without Anne there.
(@rocknrollpeach) November 20, 2018
Anyone else noticed that at Annes trial Hollys jumper kept changing depending on the camera angle? Does that mean this was filmed twice?
— Charlie (@charliespearink) November 20, 2018
Anyone know why they have blurred out @hollywills jumper on @imacelebrity its proper bugging me
— Kate Murphy (@KateMurphy81) November 20, 2018
Im a celeb is freaking me out… Hollys jumper has a pattern on from the side, but not from the front
@ImACeIebBants @imacelebrity #imacelebrity #whatisthissorcery
— LibbyPeers (@LibbyPeers) November 20, 2018
Regardless of the confusing editing, The Chase star Anne was forced to face her fears last night when she was locked in a series of huge rocks as a load of creepy crawlies and disgusting gunge was dropped on her head.
Despite giving it her best shot, the Governess unfortunately only managed to get two stars for camp.
As caring as ever, mum-of-three Holly was on hand to offer some moral support, as she told Anne, “You tested yourself and youve done brilliantly. Were really proud of you.”
Taken from our sister site, CelebsNow.
The post Im A Celebrity 2018 fans baffled after they spot THIS about Holly Willoughbys outfit: What the hell?! appeared first on Woman Magazine.
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