MUMBAI: Value investor Mohnish Pabrais fund sold 9.5 lakh shares of Repco Home Finance on Thursday via a bulk deal. The Pabrai Investment Fund IV LP sold 3.85 lakh shares at Rs 335.59 per share, the data on the BSE showed. The buyers name was not disclosed in the bulk deal data. On the NSE, data showed that the fund sold 5.63 lakh shares at Rs 336.15 per share. Pabrai Investment Fund 3 Ltd held 1.45 per cent in Repco Home at the end of the September quarter, while Pabrai Investment Fund II and IV held 1.72 per cent and 3.09 per cent stake, respectively. Shares of Repco Home ended down 4.5 per cent at Rs 340.95 on Thursday.
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