Its World Happiness Day today and Finland knows just how to bring everyone joy.
The country is inviting people to Scandinavia for free to learn the art of happiness. And you get your own Finnish person to help you master it.
Tourism group Visit Finland has launched a project called Rent a Finn. For a hands-on experience, the Finns will act as happiness guides and take you around all the best local spots.
In an attempt to boost tourism to the happiest country in the world Finland has launched the project whereby winners selected will be able to spend part of their summer in the country for free.
Lover of the outdoors might want to apply, or just those who like free things, as the promo video highlights the importance of nature in relieving stress.
The locals will be taking you to their favourite natural spots around the country so you too can be stress-free and happy.
Wed be pretty happy with a free summer abroad too.
Finland is the happiest country in the world (according to the United Nations World Happiness Report 2019), says the website.
Our secret is in our nature, very literally. When others go to therapy, Finns put on a pair of rubber boots and head to the woods.
Now its time everyone had a chance to learn from the best.
More: Travel
Eight ordinary Finns have signed up as happiness guides and want to share their connection to nature with you. Find your happiness. Book your very own Finn.
Depending on the guide you get, you could be staying in the capital Helsinki or dreamy Lapland. Other areas up for exploring include Archipelago and Lakeland.