Airports across the UK have revealed how much they are planning to expand over the next two decades.
Doncaster Sheffield is planning to boost passenger numbers by 490% by 2037, while Heathrow wants to increase its capacity by 50 million – to 130 million travellers a year, according to airport "masterplans" reviewed by Sky News.
Find your nearest airport below to see how much it is planning to expand in the coming years.
The airport is planning to increase passenger numbers by 66% in the next two decades. It had just over three million passengers in 2018 and is aiming for more than five million by 2040.
Belfast City
The airport plans to increase passenger numbers from 2.51 million in 2018 to 3.2 million by 2030 – a 28% rise, according to figures from environmental group Airport Watch.
Belfast International
The airport's masterplan includes a target to have 10.4 million passengers in 2030, 66% up on the 6.27 million travellers in 2018.
The airport wants to expand to have 18 million passengers a year by 2033. That would be a 45% increase on the 12.46 million passengers that travelled in 2018.
The airport wants to increase passenger numbers by 38% to 12 million by 2025. It had 8.7 million travellers in 2018.
The airport is aiming to increase passenger numbers by 90% to three million, although it has not said which year this would be achieved. It had 1.58 million passengers in 2018.
According to a draft masterplan for the London airport, it wants to boost passenger numbers by 128% by 2035. It had 4.82 million passengers in 2018 but wants this to rise to 11 million.
Doncaster Sheffield
The airport plans to expand passenger numbers by a massive 490% over the next two decades. It had 1.22 million passengers in 2018 and hopes to have 7.2 million by 2037.
East Midlands
The airport is planning to increase passenger numbers by more than double, from 4.87 million in 2018 to 10 million in 2040.
The airport had 14.29 million passengers in 2018 but wants this to rise by 44% to 20.5 million by 2040.
The UK's second busiest airport is aiming to expand passenger numbers to 70 million by 2032-33. This would be a 52% increase on the 49.09 million passengers it had 2018.
The airport is planning to increase passenger numbers by 98%, from 9.66 million in 2018 to 19.17 million by 2040.
The UK's biggest airport is aiming to increase annual passenger numbers to 130 million – up 62% on the 80.12 million travellers in 2018. The extra capacity will come from building a third runway.

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