BORIS JOHNSON delivered a powerful speech on Friday morning reflecting on the allies victory over Nazi Germany 75 years ago and called on Britons to be strong again.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson released a video on his Twitter page of himself reflecting on the war efforts of those made during World War 2. Mr Johnson commended the sacrifices made by the generation and insisted Britain needed to be strong again as it faces new challenges. Mr Johnson captioned the video message to the public with the heading: “75 years on, we are a free people because of everything they did. Our gratitude will be eternal. #VEDay75.”
Mr Johnson emphasised that British soldiers and their allies saved freedom from Adolf Hitler’s aggression.
He noted that Britain played a crucial role in opposing Nazi Germany especially during 1940 and 1941.
Mr Johnson began his speech by saying: “In cities scarred by enemy bombing, the crowds gave thanks for a national exertion greater than anything else before or since.
“What our country and our allies did was to save freedom, not just here but everywhere.
“Britain and the Common Wealth and Empire were the only nations who fought Hitler from the first day of the Second World War to the last without being defeated and occupied.
“For a whole year, 1940-1941, we stood alone against him, the last barrier to his tyranny.
“If we’d gone down, then it wasn’t just our country that would have been destroyed but liberty and democracy everywhere.
“But we did not fail: we survived and eventually triumphed thanks to the heroism of countless ordinary people.”
Mr Johnson praised the efforts of all Britons during the war and thanked them for laying down their lives for freedom.
He went on to discuss the difficulties the UK now faces with coronavirus and the importance of remembering the courage and determination of generations before.
He said: “We are now engaged in a new struggle against the coronavirus which demands the same spirit or national endeavour.
“That means we can’t hold the parades and street celebrations we enjoyed in the past.
“But all of us, who were born since 1945 are acutely conscious that we owe everything we most value to the generation who won the Second World War.
“Today we celebrate their achievement, we remember their sacrifice and we take pride in being their compatriots.
“We are a free people because of everything they did and our gratitude will be eternal.”