For a person who has experienced narcissistic abuse, learning how to heal can be difficult and confusing. However, it is important to learn the symptoms, set boundaries, and take good care of yourself. There are therapists who specialize in narcissistic abuse who can offer support, advice, and guidance. The cost of therapy is low, and the sessions can be done online.
The first step is to recognize that you have been abused. If you’ve realized that your relationship with your narcissist has turned toxic, you may feel emptiness and loss of identity. Once you’ve identified the abuse, and accepted it, try to rediscover who you are and what you like. A great way to do this is by writing out a master bucket list. Write down 3-5 things you’d like to accomplish in the next month.
The abuser may use manipulation techniques to make you feel bad about yourself. Sometimes, the abuser will blame you for something you’ve done. In these cases, it’s important to remember that the narcissist may not have meant to hurt you. Instead, the abuser may have interpreted your behavior as a positive thing, which makes it hard for you to accept the blame. In addition, your narcissistic abuser may never admit his or her mistakes. This is because they know that people who feel isolated are easier to manipulate.
After a narcissist has abused you, the process of grieving is not easy. It can be painful to remember that you once loved someone who treated you as an object. However, you must remember that this abuse has left you scarred and abused your mental health. You may have to go through therapy to recover.