Artificial technology has emerged as one of the major forces in the world economy. Its applications range from agriculture to education. But its influence is also evident in the financial sector.
Many tech giants are investing heavily in new research. They include Google and DeepMind, which specialize in machine learning.
AI is also playing an important role in fighting epidemics. For example, it has been used to diagnose breast cancer earlier. Other examples of artificial intelligence technologies include self-driving vehicles such as Tesla.
However, many of these technologies have no plans to replace humans in the medical industry. In fact, they aim to provide physicians with accurate and fast decisions.
Several authors have tried to study the effect of digitalization on the medical field. A few of the technologies that have received attention are health-oriented applications for disease tracking, such as the World Health Organization’s new coronavirus.
Another application of AI is the ability to make predictions. It is based on the idea that software encodes thousands of rules in a fraction of a second. This allows the software to generate a decision without human intervention.
While the effects of AI are yet to be felt by the public, its presence in the world economy is already visible. Some companies are relying on artificial intelligence to reduce the costs of administrative staffing.
The growth of technology in the last few years has had a significant impact on all involved sectors. Although the industry’s potential is enormous, it has to be guarded against over-reliance.